IC434 and NGC2024: The Horse's head and the Flame Nebula

IC434 and NGC2024: The Horse's head and the Flame Nebula (Barnard 33) February 2024


Date: 2024 12 03

Optic; TS-Optics 10" f/4 UNC Newtonian Telescope with Carbon Tube + Starizona Nexus Corrector 0.75 =>F/D=3
Focale: 750mm - Diameter:254mm Camera: QHY268 + IR cut 2"
Focusing before each picture with EAF Site: Bois de Nefles Saint-Paul 55° 19'54"E / 20° 59'58"S
Seeing: Humidity and some Light polution
Capture: 90 x 120 sec Temp: -2 deg
Guidind refractor 400mm + ZWO Asi178 (+-0.52" arc)(medium)
Pre processing Dark
Software: OS Ubuntu-Linux - Indi-Kstars-Ekos - PHD guiding - Siril - Gimp

The dark cloud of dust and gas is a region in the Orion molecular cloud complex, where star formation is taking place. It is located in the constellation of Orion, which is prominent in the winter evening sky in the Northern Hemisphere and the summer evening sky in the Southern Hemisphere.
Magnitude: 6.8 / 10
Distance: 1,350 light-years
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