TEP from Indian Ocean on 2m and 70cms
First event April 2024

TEP on 2m has been in my mind for years… FR1GZ and myself tried for many times in past years to listen for repeaters from North Hemisphere, and also VHF air plane/ground transmissions in that area. Only once, some years ago, FR1GZ Yvon, had clear AM signals on 122Mhz region, airplane closed to Middle East.

By looking at the situation on VK-JA path, PY-KP4 path, and now the V51-EU path, time was there to look deeper at the Indian Ocean-Middle East path!

For past months, I was trying to alert station on the DX clusters that my temporary beacon was txing on 2m JT65 or CW almost every evening from 1600z to 1800z, at 340-350°az.

I looked for TEP group via the www and finally managed to get contact and joined the list of operators. Contacts via Telegram and later Whatsapp (Tks to ZS4TX Bernie) made coordination faster and easier, a very good point!

The results presented here are coming from hours and hours of daily observations and notes, TRX, and exchanges between operators. It was worth the efforts...
There are very probably some errors on my reports, but so far the amount of data is huge...

Stations and equipments.

FR4OO in LG79rc has 8el Cubex quad (11,8 dBd), 0,8dB NF LNA on tower, 100w capable.
FR5DN in LG78qs has 17el F9FT 13dBd, LNA (abt 1dB NF) on tower, 300w capable, and about 1,3 to 1,5 dB TX coax loss.
3B8FA in LG89sw has 2x8el I0JXX (15,2 dBd calculated), no LNA, open sea view, 80w capable.
3B8DU in LG89ux has 40w on 144Mhz RHCP or LHCP 10,7dBc – on 432Mhz, with 14dBc UHF yagis, LNA, 16w TX
3B8GL in LG89rr Ashwin has 12 el Hpol, and some 50w output, no LNA.

So far in African path, FT8 was not giving good results, so mode used for the qso is Q65B 30s, South Hemisphere ALWAYS TX FIRST. Frequency is now 144.192, we had to qsy from 144.190 because of qrm level.
It is asked to stations to keep the frequency clear for TEP qso only.

TEP requires to respect the sequences, to be disciplined on the frequency, as if not, qso's could fail.

You have to know how to use your software to optimize it, and so the chance of qso. Here I use WSJTX.

My location is on the SW coast of the island, I have a 1300m altitude mountain on the N direction, and my main antenna lobe is going just just just over it. The mountain shows a slope NW to NE (being >1300m alt as you move antenna more NE). This picture was taken at some 15km more south from my home qth, so I am much closer to the mountain wall...

This page has been made to keep data from the first TEP qso's in our area...

---- /04/24

Oleg A65BR and myself made several evenings tests on 144Mhz, and only traces and some faint audio were received here, but no real readable signal in the waterfall, and no qso.

That situation was not what we were expecting, as VK-JA and V51-EU were opened everyday...
Hum... my loved mountain... Very likely my TX signal was blocked, and incoming signals too... It was time to change the situation!

---- 07/04/24

After several negative tests with A65BR Oleg, I tried to join FR1GZ Yvon without success.
Then I called FR4OO Paul. Situated on the N coast of FR Reunion Island, I knew Paul had good takeoff with sea path towards 360° azimuth.

Paul responded that his antenna is down, and will get everything up in the day. Excellent !!

We started again TRX sequences on Q65B 30s.
Paul was not familiar with the Q65 mode and we were both in permanent contact to optimize the software at his end, in real time.

Finally, A65BR got signal from FR4OO at 17h08z at -12db !!!!! WOUHA !!!
Unfortunatly, no 2 way qso was completed,  but it was the ---first ever TEP RX on 2m--- for both qth !!
This was already historical.

After that, several exchanges were made between Paul, Oleg and myself, and we were all ready for the next days, it is time to complete the first 2 way TEP qso now!

---- 08/04/24

We started TRX at 1430z. We needed to start just after sunset here, to determine the time frame for TEP.

Finally a good opening started around 1620z, and first ever qso completed, with FR4OO A65BR! Then on frequency showed up A71XX and 9K2GS, who also worked Paul FR4OO. What  a propagation !!

Paul was at 340°az,

I started to hear A71XX at my SW location at 1640z with -19dB, called him but no response, and then he was gone… I was about 345° to 350°az.

The band was opened from 1622z until 1900z, and as no more takers, FR4OO A65BR and myself stopped the activity, but signals between FR4OO and A65BR were still present…

That made a total of 2h30 of 2m TEP path !!!!

Several exchanges on phone etc...

→ On monday 08/04/24 evening, I sent a message to 3B8FA Patrice on my tropo Whatsapp group, telling him the story...he said, antennas down and not QRV, but when i told him about the qso, he was motivated to get his setup ready for the next evening 09/04 !!! Great!!

---- 09/04/24

SFI/A/K 125/8/1

Eveybody in our area is ready to shoot…
Several qso and RX made as the night before from FR4OO, then 3B8FA showed up and worked A65BR, again a first !!

Paul FR4OO was still at 340°az,

Patrice 3B8FA heard also A71XX and A65BP, but no qso yet.

On my side i heard A71XX from 1640z to 1653z, he was quite loud around -11db, I called and called but no response, and finally gone… NO LUCK !!!

At least, I know I can RX, even if the mountains…

Band was opened for about 1h.

---- 10/04/24

We are ready again.

Band opened earlier here at FR4OO, 1548z with A65BP.

3B8FA worked A65BR and A65BP, signal were strong enough to make SSB qso ! Great !!
He was beaming 350az and had 10° elevation, he noticed a little better RX with some elevation.

Here at my location, nil heard, ah those mountains…

Band was opened for 1h15 from 1548z to 1703z.

We are all ready again for 11/04, hoping A71XX shows up again for me.

---- 11/04/24

SFI/A/K 144/6/1

Band opened at 1558z at FR4OO with A65BR.
Band closed at 1715z at FR4OO, last report being with A65BP.

At 1631z to 1638z , I heard and saw a signal at DF1200, no decode, as the timing of the TX station was not synchronous, grrr, too bad…
FR4OO and 3B8FA also heard signals without decode, stronger than me.

After all that, OM4CW and myself were trying since some days after the FR-3B8/Middle East path.
At 1846z, I could hear very faint tones, and some trace on the waterfall, but no decode…
OM4CW also had some traces around 1850z, but no decode… Probably we need higher SFI...

---- 12/04/24

FR4OO first RX was 1600z, last RX 1725z, Very nice reports, 1h30 opened path,
FR5DN first RX was 1603z, last RX 1629z, 24min opened path, Only stations heard are 9K2GS and A71XX.

My very first TEP 2m qso comes finally with 9K2GS at 1616z, he was -09 and gave me -17, best I heard from him that night was -07.

My longest RX time so far was tonight…

Important qso, as it shows that even with 1300m altitude mountain in the path, qso can be done…

---- 13/04/24

At FR4OO first signals at 1610z, last at 1753z, qso A65BR-08, A71XX -09, A65BP -19,
1H45 TEP path.

At FR5DN, 1650z I heard A71XX calling A71VV at -18, only decode that night.

---- 14/04/24

SFI/A/K 161/5/2

FR4OO not qrv.

At 1538z, I heard A65BP at -10 calling BA8MM on DF1000.
At 1539z, he is cqing at -12. gradually going down on each period. At 1544z, he was -17.

I called him too late(1544z),  i did left the shack just for some minutes, and the qso potential was gone… Heard him again cq at 1613z -19, 1614z -23, 1615z -26.
Hope I will have a chance again tomorrow…

---- 15/04/24

SFI/A/K 178/6/1  - SN 197

Nil heard at FR5DN, 1430z to 1800z,
3B8FA worked A62A (-09) at 1651z, first signal received at 1649z. I don’t know if Patrice made other qso tonight.
FR4OO decoded A65BR at 1720z, -25… and Oleg got FR4OO at -29, but with S4 QRM.

Could it be that ionization is too strong, preventing the bending of waves into the bubbles ?

---- 16/04/24

SFI/A/K 192/8/4  - SN 149

Vy nice VK-JA, more stations qrv it seems.

FR4OO first signal is at 1620z with A65BR, last one at 1651z with A65BP, for a total of only 31 minutes opened TEP path. His pick signal was 1628z with A71XX at -08.

FR5DN first RX at 1621z A61BP -19.
A65BR from 1622z to 1624z (-16 to -19), then A71XX.
A71XX at 1628z -13, 1629z -14, 1630z -14, 1636z -18, 1637z -20, then gone… Band closed.

---- 17/04/24

SFI/A/K 199/31/1 – SN 190

At FR5DN, nil RX, except some traces without decodes around 1606z-1611z.
At FR4OO, first signal/qso with A62A rxed -17, at 1629z, Last RX on band was 1700z, 31min opening only.
3B8FA got A62A at -3dB, 1632z, and A65BR -07dB.

---- 18/04/24

SFI/A/K 217/7/1 – SN 199

I was cqing as usual at DF1100.
I started to hear A62A cq around DF1000-1100 at 1616z, -26dB. I called him and he replied my call after a few sequences, He gave me -16 and my report was R-18.
I heard A62A from 1616z to 1642z, 26 min.

First time I hear A6 so « well » and for « long » period.

FR4OO was not home, and let his RX on 144,192.
First signal was A62A at 1613z, -11dB. His strongest RX was -2dB at 1625z.
A65BR -10dB at 1636z. 1641z A62A -4dB, again A65BR until 1646z. Band opened for 33 min.

3B8FA was RX only due to TX power failure, he should be back to TX in the weekend.
First decode was A62A -8dB at 1613z.
Last decode A65BR at -16dB, 1704z. Around 1645z he could RX Oleg at -3dB.
A62A (vertical pol) best RX from Patrice was +1dB, at 1641z.
Band opened 51min at 3B8FA.

---- 19/04/24

SFI/A/K 227/4/4 - SN 234

FR4OO first signal with A65BP -17dB at 1600z, last signal at 1718z +04dB. Band openend for minimum 1h18.
3B8FA first signal at 1608z, with A65BP at -07dB.
FR5DN heard A65BP from 1608z to 1645z, best -12dB at 1617z, no qso.

---- 20/04/24

SFI/A/K 213/41/3 – SN 238

FR4OO was in RX only, 1708z A65BR -20dB, best -07dB at 1715z, last -25dB at 1745z. 38min.
FR5DN heard nil, only some traces.

---- 21/04/24

SFI/A/K 210/12/3 – SN 233

Nil heard at FR5DN,

At FR4OO, signals were good, but quickly dropping, as with A65BP :
-8dB at 1633z
-10dB at 1637z
-21dB at 1640z.

3B8FA got A65BP strong at 0dB at 1637z.

---- 22/04/24

SFI/A/K 217/19/2 – SN 268

At FR5DN, I get A62A at -21dB at 1617z. At 1622z I qso A65BR sending  -16dB rprt, i replied with R-14.
At 1626z A62A reports -21, and my rprt was R-14. Best from him was -12dB at 1628z.

FR4OO band opened 1615z with A62A -21dB, band closed at 1637z, no more signal.

---- 23/04/24

SFI/A/K 227/8/2 – SN 274

FR4OO reports A62A at :
-20dB 1620z
-10dB 1621z
-07dB 1622z…

At FR5DN A65BR -17dB, 1626z.
A62A -19dB at 1636z.

Again, some tests made between A65BR and FR4OO on 432Mhz.
A65BR is decoded by Paul FR4OO at -17dB on 432,190 at 1644z, and -19dB at 1645z. Paul did get few days ago decoded period from Oleg TX.
So far, A65BR never heard FR4OO on 432, setup being unbalanced very likely, A65BR is V Pol, FR4OO H Pol on 70cms, antenna gain very different both sides.

From 1651z to 1655z approximatly, 3B8FA and A62A made SSB qso on 2m with 55 rprt both sides, just before the qso A62A was heard +07dB at Patrice station.

---- 24/04/24

SFI/A/K 219/8/1 – SN 247

3B8FA got A62A -17dB at 1601z, and A61NN -05dB at 1640z. Peak time 1707z, last decode 1758z.
3B8DU (Tks to 3B8FA for sharing) is also here, on RX, and should get ready for TX on the 25/04 with 40w on 144Mhz RHCP or LHCP 10,7dBc – on 432Mhz, with 14dBc UHF yagis, LNA, 16w TX.

At FR5DN, only traces seen from A6 QTH.
But at 1711z, Strong signal on waterfall and strong audio...A71XX answering my CQ !!
He is -10dB, signal building up, and we complete the qso very quickly.
I monitored his CQ, and his strongest report was -03dB at 1722z, to end at -16dB at 1728z.

I heard Mohamed A71XX several times in the days before, but we had no chance to connect. Tonight, the timing was just perfect !!

It is interesting to point that during our QSO, 3B8FA had NO copy from A71XX…

It is also very nice to have newcomers on that TEP path !!

You can download the audio file below to play with decoding, this is RX at FR4OO:


---- 25/04/2024

SFI/A/K 199/4/1 – SN 210

A65BR and FR4OO are testing on 432,190 Q65B 30s. Nil heard or seen.

Nil RX at FR5DN except faint occasional traces.

3B8FA got sporadic decode on A62A, poor conditions. Or no continious TX from N.

As far as I know, 3B8DU Jean Marc, was on some TRX sequences on 144/432 without any report.

---- 26/04/2024

SFI/A/K 167/3/3 – SN 164

A65BR and FR4OO, 3B8DU are testing on 432Mhz in the evening.

3B8FA and FR5DN also here on 2m.

Nil to report on both bands.

---- 27/04/2024

SFI/A/K 153/19/1 – SN 127

I start CQ at 1600z, on 144192.

A71VV seen on Pskreporter.

Nil qso nor RX to report on our Indian Ocean path.

---- 28/04/2024

SFI/A/K 153/12/1 - SN 120

Nil qso to report, band closed.

---- 29/04/2024

SFI/A/K 135/8/5 - SN 124

On 2m band opened around 1555z between FR4OO and A65BR at -11dB. A62A received -5dB at 1615z. Band closed at 1730z, for some 1h30 opening. Nil at FR5DN.

On 432Mhz, A62A got FR4OO cq at -21dB in average mode. Paul only heard some faint audio in the background noise, but no decode.

---- 01/05/2024

SFI/A/K 130/12/0 - SN 84

At FR4OO, 2m opened 1624z, closed 1820z. Usual qso's, usual reports. 2h opening on 2m.
Nil at FR5DN.

---- 02/05/2024

SFI/A/K 135/8/5 - SN 124

3B8FA got A65BP -2dB at 1605z.
FR4OO 2m opened 1552z with A65BP -17dB, activity stopped at 1658z with A65BR at -09dB. More than 1h opening.

FR5DN nil RX.

---- 03/05/2024

SFI/A/K 142/44/1 - SN 129

3B8FA RX A65BR at -6dB at 1635z.
3B8GL Ashwin joined the team on 2m. A65BR got him -12dB at 1652z. First 2m TEP for Ashwin, happy.
Around 1610z Ashwin and A65BP Alex managed a very nice SSB qso. Ashwin got Alex at 59, and 55 the other way. No LNA at 3B8GL. Excellent!

3B8GL and A65BP SSB qso video

---- 04/05/2024

SFI/A/K 156/10/1 - SN 140

FR4OO get A65BR -23dB at 1620z, and -6dB at 1630z.
During the last days, several attempts were made on 432Mhz, without reports, with 3B8 stations as well.

Nil RX at FR5DN.

I then asked Paul FR4OO to test the signals with some elevation, as A65BP was cqing.
From 0° to 10° elevation not much change in RX, A65BP rx -8dB, and Paul rx at -2dB.
At 20°, FR4OO rx -3dB to -1dB.
At 30° elevation, rx was -10dB.
At 45°, signal from A65BP was lost.

At 1738z, A65BP was still in at -9dB with FR4OO, 0° elevation.

3B8FA Patrice had the same idea, and got this :

On the TEP group, VU2LBW Lakshman is also present. Lakshman is in MK82tv, with IC9700 and 2x12 RHCP yagi.