Moon, Venus & Uranus conjunction
2000 March 4th
On the morning of March 4th, a close conjunction of the Moon, Venus and
Uranus will be visible from Reunion Island.
My friends of the ARECA
Reunionnaise pour l'Etude du
Ciel Austral) and I will make you enjoy it by sending
live images
on this page.
The Moon and the two planets will rise around 00:30 UT. The first image will certainly be available around 00:10 - 01:15 UT.

The Moon, Venus and Uranus. March 4th, 2000 00:30 UT.
(The yellow rectangle is the field of our video camera)

01:05 UT We are waiting. A small cloud over the horizon....

A close up view of the Moon

02:15 UT The Sun will rise in 5 minutes. Bye Bye....
Other webcast and informations available from Olivier Staiger's site
Last modification : 03/04/2000.
visitors since 09/04/97.
For more details email me : Thierry (Suppress the X to get a valid email)
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