Total Eclipse of the Moon
1997 September 16
My friends of the ARECA
Reunionnaise pour l'Etude du
Ciel Austral) and I had planned to send live images of
the total lunar eclipse of 1997 September 16 on this page.
Transmission was to start September 16 around 17:00 UT and to end
around 20:30 UT and images were to be updated every 2 to 5 minutes. Unfortunately due to the bad weather only
a small number of images were sent. In spite of that more than 2500 visitors loaded this page.
Memories of a cloudy night.

WEATHER STILL CLOOUDY ...!!!! Only a few pictures taken along the eclipse.
Here are the little brothers of the first clouds....!!
Our setup.

Here are the last pictures.The eclipse is over and there are still some clouds (but
less than during the eclipse ....).
Full Moon in penombra.

In the next few days here we'll put a little animation of nice clouds in front of the eclipsed Moon.
Last modification : 09/18/97.
Interesting links
Calwell Lunar Observatory
- Australia.
Eclipse Zone Home.
visitors since 09/04/97.
For more details email me : Thierry (Suppress the X to get a valid email)
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